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A Question to Ask Yourself
Here's a good question to ask yourself: Why? We usually don’t ask ourselves WHY we do things the way we do. And we should!! Do you know why? Aha! That’s the entire point: when you know WHY you do things the way you do, then you have better understanding and more power...
Making Mistakes is Part of Being Human
There is not a single person alive, dead, or ghostly that has never failed at something. Even the great masters and sages failed at things. It is an inescapable part of being human as none of us are perfect. The moment we do anything, someone is bound to have an...
Having the fear of failure?
This is a really good question that I think each and every one of us needs to consider! Obviously, I don’t have a definitive answer, BUT in my life and work I have found that there are 2 major themes for why people have the fear of failure that you can consider in...
Two Anxiety Coping Skills for You!
When it comes to anxiety, coping skills are really helpful! Today I'm talking about a specific kind of anxiety I like to call: tightrope anxiety. This happens any time we hold ourselves to such an unreasonable standard that we leave ourselves only two outcomes: either...
Self Confidence: How to Build it!
This is a question I get asked all the time when it comes to self confidence: how to build it, especially around things that we aren't that good at! We can't just avoid our weaknesses. Running from your weakness is about as effective as running away from your shadow....
What Is Your Personal Strength?
In spite of popular belief, your personal strength isn’t just about what you are good at. Sure, if you are good at baking you can become a baker, but in all honesty, I would say that is a skill proficiency and not a personal strength. To me, personal strength has to...
Problem-Solving Requires Flexibility
If my high school math teacher is right, then there is only one way to answer a math equation. Only one number out of all the other perfectly fine and acceptable numbers is the answer. All you have to do is find that number and you are golden. Life… is nothing like...
Use Your Strengths & Weaknesses
The usual game plan for life is to find the things you are good at and enjoy and do those things. Are you good with numbers? Does differential calculus get you excited? Great, then do something with math. The equation itself is pretty simple. When it comes to...