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new ideas on taking YOUR relationship to the next level. Enjoy!
Why is Safety Important in Relationships?
Just imagine for a moment that your partner has a box of big, fluffy, leggy and totally venomous spiders that they like to prank you with. Putting them in your bed, the shower, your car, your veggie wrap, and even ON you when you’re trying to have a romantic date and...
Relationships Require “Give and Take”
Giving and taking is a REQUIREMENT in a relationship. Why, you ask? Well, sorta like breathing, you must breathe in and out. If you only ever breathed one way that would get problematic quickly. Your relationship is a living thing and is constantly changing and...
What Makes a Deep Relationship?
Despite popular belief, depth is not created by the amount of fun and enjoyment you have with your partner. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t hurt! But fun doesn’t really make your relationship deeper. If you don’t believe me, I want you to think of going to a recent...
Are You Looking For Joy?
Being specific about the joy that you are looking for is crucial for creating overall joy and happiness in your life. Most people have some conceptual idea of joy and fulfillment, without actually fleshing out what that means for them. It’s important to define what...
Overcoming Obstacles
What's in the way of your success? This is a juicy question that comes up a LOT. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly, depending on who you are!) the answer is pretty simple. The obstacle that most often keeps you from your enjoyment, fulfillment, and success IS….....
Self Discovery Journey Tips
On your self discovery journey, there is question you should ask yourself every day: How do you get out of your own way? The answer is not that obvious, is it?! That’s why people often struggle with getting out of their own way. Since we are all different, what works...
Things Aren’t Always As They Seem
It may be pretty cliché to say “Things aren’t always as they seem…” but there’s a lot of truth to it! This isn’t because we live in some kind of hologram world. We aren't being watched like in The Truman Show. If you think about any action you witness in your life,...
Don’t Wait For Happiness!
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but with all the craziness going on in the world, sometimes it feels hard to find happiness. It's like a dark night with no stars. Our worries, concerns, and fears can bog us down and tell us scary stories. Our imagination likes to...