

I often say that I can find lessons everywhere, and the truth is… I really do!

Scroll down to find original tips, read comments & critiques of other people’s advice, and get
new ideas on taking YOUR relationship to the next level. Enjoy!

Is Fighting Bad? NO!

Is Fighting Bad? NO!

Ding ding, ding, everyone gather round, the bell has rung, and it's time for a fight! Our fighters have taken their sides, their defenses are up, and they are ready to rumble! But seriously folks, if only the fights in your relationship were as entertaining! If you...

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3 Ways People Break Relationships

3 Ways People Break Relationships

Breakups don’t come out of nowhere, they build up over time until one day, BOOM! Relationships can be as strong as steel or as fragile as glass. Today I’m talking about 3 things that can break your relationship, AND I’ll tell you how to make sure it doesn’t happen to...

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Are You Having Toxic Arguments?

Are You Having Toxic Arguments?

Don’t you just love when your significant other brings up issues from the past and throws them back in your face?! NO! Of course not! Today we’ll talk about what happens when you bring up the past in an argument and then give you 3 tips on how to keep the past from...

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3 Surprising Truths About Forgiveness

3 Surprising Truths About Forgiveness

Today I am talking about forgiveness: what works, what doesn’t, and how forgiveness is ultimately about you, not them.  There are many things in life that require forgiveness: people cutting you in line, your partner doing something stupid, and your new boss...

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Boundaries: 3 Reasons You Need Them!

Boundaries: 3 Reasons You Need Them!

In this post, I’ll show you why boundaries are essential for your relationships! (Hey! Want to watch a video about this blog post? Watch it on my YouTube Channel! There is a crazy myth out there that if you are in a relationship with someone, you must agree with them...

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The Real Reason Why Men Cheat In Relationships

The Real Reason Why Men Cheat In Relationships

In this post, I’ll be talking about the reasons why men cheat and what YOU can do to keep your relationship safe! (Hey! Want to watch a video about this blog post? Watch it on my YouTube Channel!) There are a lot of things we can do to hurt our relationships, from...

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Acceptance Doesn’t Mean Approval

Acceptance Doesn’t Mean Approval

There is a common misconception that if we accept something, we approve of it. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Acceptance simply means we acknowledge what is going on, not that we like it. If I break my arm but don’t accept that it's broken, it doesn’t stop...

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