I build bridges of understanding so you feel more connected to your person and more fulfilled in your relationship.”
I have learned how to not only accept all the parts of myself that truly make me who I am, but how to form and maintain the most meaningful relationships.
Jonathan’s work is profoundly eye-opening, yet gentle. I have made tremendous progress and I continue to do so with his help and guidance. I believe in his work and I trust him.
A relationship that works is a fundamental building block of your happiness!
My job is to get you there.

People have asked me for relationship advice since I was 7. Somehow, they knew I could help them create the relationships they always wanted. For my whole life, I’ve planned dates, set people up, mediated arguments, helped
couples through the rough patches, and ultimately became the go-to “relationship expert” whose advice people trusted.
My life’s mission is to teach you practical skills you can use right away in your relationship. I’m all about making it fun, instead of feeling like a chore. Other types of “self-help” can feel either too shallow or too confronting. I balance deep insight with entertainment. And, since I’m online, everything you need is at your fingertips.
“I teach you practical skills you can use right away to make your relationship better.”

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Masters in Counseling Psychology
Certified in Conflict Resolution
20+ years transformational coaching experience
Led 500+ hours of live, in-person workshops
Created hundreds of hours of online content
I teach you practical skills you can use right away to make your relationship better.”
Jonathan has provided the insight I needed to tap into my deeper feelings required to create and maintain meaningful relationships with others, as well as within myself. The best part is that he makes me become solution focused rather than problem oriented!”

Jonathan’s Special Spice
When I was young, my father took me aside and gave me advice that I live by every day. He told me that if I was going to succeed in life, I needed to play by my own rules. The “black or white rules” everyone else used were not going to cut it for me – I would fail if I played their game. So I made my own! You see, I have several learning disabilities: dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD. Most things that come easily to other people are a huge hurdle for me – even writing this paragraph! So, my father’s advice was sage indeed. What that means is that I’m really good at creative problem solving. I always have to find a way around things, so I basically live “outside the box.” I know that there are no black or white answers, and that’s as true in relationships as it is in life. And that makes me a great person to have on your team because I can help YOU find new and creative ways to succeed that you may not have thought of before!You don’t need one-size-fits-all advice, you need something you can use right away in your own relationship. Your success lives outside the box… and that’s where I come in!
Jonathan’s Love Story
I teach from experience, not from a textbook. I’ve had my fair share of relationships and heartbreak and I know what it takes to make a relationship work. For example, my wife and I did not have the most auspicious beginning: imagine putting together the guy who LOVES relationships and the girl who didn’t believe in them! We used my tools and skills that I’ll share with you. And it worked! We deepened our relationship, building trust, communication, and intimacy along the way. Here we are, 8 years later and happily married, living our #relationshipgoals. Together we created an amazing relationship, the kind we both dreamed about.
What I teach works. We created our “dream come true” relationship and you can too!
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Who is the Real Jonathan Yatsky?
Click each item to reveal more about Jonathan
Favorite Board Game
Marvel’s Legendary
Favorite Rom-com Movie
About Time
Zodiac Sign
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius, Virgo Rising
Best Workout
Rock climbing
Favorite Book
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Pet Peeve
When it’s obvious something is wrong, but someone refuses to admit it.
Where am I?
Philadelphia suburbs
Go-to Lunch Order
Breakfast burrito (see also: making my own rules)
Funnest Job
Ballroom dance teacher
Best Date Idea
Favorite Thing About My Relationship
Being married to my best friend!
Best Quality
Great listener! …according to my spouse.
You deserve to be happy, and if you are not, from my experience, Jonathan Yatsky can help with that. His unique style is very comforting, and he has a way to help you understand and let go of whatever is not working for you with such ease. Jonathan exudes grace and light and is so very generous with his online teaching. Jonathan forever changed my life for the better.